With the mowing season upon us we want to take some time and talk about how often you should be mowing your lawn or have it mowed. The optimal time to begin mowing your lawn is in the spring time after cutting off the old dead tips, this gives a signal to the lawn that it’s time to start growing. The sooner you get the lawn growing the better you can crowd out the weeds before they start.Tests have shown that letting the lawn grow to lengths of 2½-3″ reduce the number of weeds in the lawn by reducing the amount of sunlight reaching the weed seeds. We would recommend letting your lawn reach this height before the first mow to try and limit the amount of weeds that pop up in your lawn. You won’t want to have the lawn grow much more than this because mowing tall grass makes a mess. You have to clean up all those clippings because if you don’t, the extra-long clippings can smother the grass, and that’s not ideal for your lawn. Besides, those clumps of grass look terrible! Cutting really long grass also shocks the roots. The height of the grass relates directly to the depth of the roots. Well, if you whack off a large portion of the top, you’re cutting off the food, and you hurt the roots.Mowing grass accomplishes more than just keeping your lawn neat: it also keeps it healthy. You won’t have to cut your grass as often during the dormant season as you do during the active growing season, but this timing varies by the type of grass in your lawn.
We recommend mowing your lawn once a week, depending on how fast your lawn grows. Every lawn is different, one lawn might need to be mowed once a week, while other lawns will grow more slowly and might need cutting only once every ten days or two weeks. This is because there are multiple variables, ranging from how much and often you fertilize, to the time of year , grass type, and even how you choose to water your lawn. This difference alone makes it impossible for the grass to grow the same way from house to house.